Abstract :
Most of Indonesia's territory is mountainous, not least in the Salem sub district, Brebes Regency, which is surrounded by steep mountains. Therefore, it is
very prone to landslides that can harm local residents. In this study, the author
makes a design for an early warning tool for landslide natural disasters based on
the internet of things. The purpose of this design is to be able to detect landslide
natural disasters and is expected to reduce losses that can be caused by landslide
natural disasters.
This system or prototype designed will read the level of the land slope,
when the slope of the land changes it will be detected by this system which will
then be informed to residents via cellphone. The prototype designed uses the
electronic components of the Wemos D1 mini ESP2866 microcontroller as the
main controller of the circuit and the MPU 6050 sensor as the ground slope
sensor. The designed prototype is also equipped with a U-blox Neo 6M GPS
sensor so that it can detect the coordinates of the area where the landslide
occurred. The designed prototype can be monitored remotely using Internet of
Think (IOT) media. Internet of Things is a scenario of an object that can transmit
data/information over a network without human intervention, so with IoT humans
can monitor or control the tool easily without having to come to where the tool is
The prototype designed will detect changes in slope on the X axis (roll)
and Y axis (pitch), conditions that can be detected are normal conditions (angle
5o) and alert conditions (angle > 5o). The prototype will also detect changes in
the stress value caused by the movement of the prototype. The read voltage value
< 450mV indicates the prototype is not moving or the acceleration value is equal
to 0 m/s2 and the read voltage value > 450mV indicates the prototype is moving
or the acceleration value is 1 m/s2. The prototype that is designed as a whole can
provide correct information about the condition of the slope of the ground, but
there are still some that need to be improved or increased in accuracy.