Abstract :
In the medical field, dehydration is a condition that must be watched out for, because this condition can directly affect a person's immune system. But often people don't care about this dehydration condition, due to the lack of notification about dehydration conditions in toilet facilities in public places. The purpose of this study is to design a touchless urinal to detect body dehydration so that it is hoped that the public can easily find out the condition of body dehydration and minimize touch when using a touchless urinal. To overcome the problem of detecting dehydration, this study designed a device for detecting body dehydration using an LDR sensor as a detector of dehydration conditions based on light intensity and LED as a light emitter. When urin flows through the sensor, the sensor will detect the difference in light intensity, then Arduino reads the bit value to classify the dehydration condition which is then displayed on the 16x2 I2C LCD. The results showed that this touchles urinal can function properly where the LDR sensor can read the dehydration condition from the level of light intensity that penetrates the color density of the urine. The ADC value for classifying conditions is found to be more than 330 bits for normal conditions, values of 300 to 330 bits for dehydration conditions, and values less than 300 for severe dehydration conditions.