Abstract :
Indrayanti Beach is a rocky beach located in Tepus Village, Tepus
District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province. On holidays
Indrayanti Beach becomes a tourist attraction that is visited by tourists.
Earthquakes are one of the natural phenomena that can occur at any time and
occur naturally. An earthquake that has a large strength is very dangerous for
coastal settlements, this is related to the Tsunami disaster. To minimize the impact
of an earthquake, the author will conduct research by making a design tool that
can monitor and detect earthquakes in the Indrayanti Beach area.
This earthquake detector consists of various components, namely Wemos
D1 Mini as a microcontroller, ADXL345 accelerometer sensor, LCD I2C 16x2 as
a reading display, Buzzer as a sound indicator, Telegram application as a
notification receiver for earthquakes, and Web Thingspeak as a tool for
monitoring earthquake charts. . Wemos D1 Mini will be used as a data processor
generated by the ADXL345 sensor. The ADXL345 sensor functions to produce
vibration values that occur due to vibrations or earthquakes. The ADXL345
accelerometer sensor detects earthquake vibrations from the x, y, and z
acceleration axes.
The results from the ADXL345 sensor reading data will be converted to
PGA values so that they are equivalent to the range of the Earthquake Intensity
Scale (GIS) reference table from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics
Agency (BMKG). After conducting three experiments with vibration simulations,
three conditions occurred, namely in the PGA value range = 89-168 SIG III
earthquakes (Mild Earthquakes) were detected, in the PGA values range = 169-
564 SIG IV earthquakes (Medium Earthquakes) were detected, and at PGA values
> 564 SIG V earthquakes were detected (Strong Earthquake).