Abstract :
Technological developments are continuously gradual, one of which is
growing rapidly, namely audio-visual technology. It is proven by the new findings
that researchers have made to develop and even find new technologies that aim to
increase the efficiency of sending audio-visual cues. The technology developed in
the process of sending audio-visual signals is the Low Pass Filter (LPF), which is
a bottom filter or filter that passes low frequencies. These filters are widely used
in electronic equipment such as radio, telephone, and television. With this active
filter, the electric current with a certain frequency can be adjusted as needed.
In this study, an analysis of the design and output of the LPF digital filter
implementation will be carried out using the hamming window method with
MATLAB 2016a software. With the aim of designing an LPF digital filter as a
support for the width of the voice communication field, so that the coefficients can
be determined which will later be used to limit the width of the voice
communication field.
The results of this study indicate that the design of the LPF FIR digital
filter using the hamming window method gets results of order 9 and order 17. In
the digital LPF simulation using the hamming window method has been
successfully executed in MATLAB using order (order 9 and order 17). obtained in
the 9th order has a gentle curve and is different from the 17th order which has
many sharper bends and fractures. Then it can be seen that the LPF circuit has
characteristics according to filter theory that the frequency in the passband
region is below the cut-off frequency and the stopband area is above the cut-off