Abstract :
Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 types of harmful chemicals that can cause
various diseases and even death. Inhaling cigarette smoke for a long time and in large
quantities can be fatal. In order to create a smoke-free area, a research was carried out,
namely the design of a prototype smoke detector. This study aims to help anticipate the
content of cigarette smoke in a closed room.
In designing the smoke detection sensor, the tools used are Arduino Uno, MQ-2 sensor
as smoke detector, buzzer, LED, and LCD as sensor alarm, and fan as smoke neutralizer.
Buzzer, LED, and LCD will light up if smoke is detected with levels according to the
provisions then the fan will neutralize the room until the smoke level is reduced according to
the specified level. The test is carried out by placing the device in a closed room and then
adding cigarette smoke, followed by a periodic data collection process.
The result of this design is the design prototype of an Arduino-based indoor cigarette
smoke detector and neutralizer. Based on the test results, the tool can work with the condition
that if cigarette smoke is detected >100ppm then the fan and buzzer turn on and vice versa if
cigarette smoke is detected <100ppm then the fan and buzzer will stop burning. The detection
process has a delay of 200ms so that the room neutralization process can run in sync. The
results of the comparison between the design tool and the manufacturer's Carbon Monoxide
alarm sensor which was carried out 10 times resulted in an average error/difference of