Abstract :
In the banana stem craft business, to determine the level of quality of the
raw materials used, craftsmen usually only use the sense of touch. Sometimes
craftsmen know that banana stems can be used as craft materials by looking at
the color and condition of the stems. Because of these problems, it is necessary
to design a system to assist in measuring the moisture content of banana stems.
The design of this system uses Arduino Uno as a processor and uses a Soil
Moisture Hygrometer sensor for measuring the water content of banana stems.
The research method used begins with a literature study looking for
references related to the research topic. Furthermore, the design of tools and
assembly will be carried out starting from the making of the program. After that
the Soil Moisture Hygrometer sensor will measure the water content. Through
the results of data collection, an analysis will be carried out on what data
obtained are appropriate and correct.
Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, it can be
concluded that the Soil Moisture Hygrometer measuring instrument can
determine the level of water content of banana stems. The use of a good banana
stem as a craft is worth 16 % until 36 % . To get the value of the water content
can be done by drying banana stems for 48 until 64 hours with sunny and hot
weather. As for the result of the average calculation, the error value of the Soil
Moisture Hygrometer sensor is 1,29 %. So from the results of reducing the
absolute value of 100 % with an error value of 1,29 % the accuracy value is