Abstract :
Plantation is one of the strategic sectors that economically and socio-
culturally have an important role in terms of national development. Currently,
plantations have penetrated into the home sector which is called small-scale
plantations. Climatic conditions that have changed significantly in the era of global
warming have resulted in erratic weather and clearly have an effect on soil
temperature and humidity. Vegetables are very sensitive to soil moisture, so they need
regular and periodic maintenance and monitoring.
The tool made in this study is a tool that is capable of automatically watering
plants according to the level of soil moisture. The circuit used consists of Wemos D1
Mini, soil moisturizer sensor, DHT-11 sensor, relay module, 16x2 LCD, and solenoid
valve. This system is made using Internet of Things technology that is connected to the
Thingspeak website to perform real-time monitoring. The network used is a WiFi
network that is connected to the Wemos D1 Mini.
Based on the test analysis results from thingspeak data, the tool can
automatically water when the soil moisture that is read by the soil moisturizer sensor
is less than 20% (dry soil conditions). Conversely, when the soil moisturizer sensor
detects soil moisture more than or equal to 20% (wet soil conditions), the water pump
will stop automatically and to ensure that the soil quality of the plants can be
maintained automatically, a soil moisturizer sensor accuracy test has been carried out.
From the results of the analysis of tests that have been carried out with comparative
data in the form of a soil tester, it has been obtained that the soil moistruizer sensor on
the tool can detect the percentage of soil moisture in accordance with the conditions
on the soil tester measuring instrument. The soil moisture value when the soil tester
status is in DRY and DRY + conditions is in the range of 0-12%. For normal conditions
42%-52%, and for WET conditions 67%