Abstract :
Acts of theft are so widely carried out, especially in homes or offices, one
of the modes of operation is by breaking into conventional key security systems
such as using duplicate keys. It is easy for thieves to steal valuables because the
security system at the door of the house is not well protected. This causes the need
for a solution related to a better door security system. Current technological
advances have led to innovations to create a sophisticated door security system
tool, namely the Face Recognition method.
In this study, for face recognition using the Esp32 Cam module and for
mechanical processes and indicators, they are processed using an Arduino Nano
microcontroller. The results of the facial recognition process will be displayed on
a 16x2 LCD. When a face is detected, it will go through the face ID adjustment
process on the Esp32 Cam, then send a signal to the Arduino Nano for
mechanical processing and display the facial recognition results on a 16x2 LCD.
For Internet Of Everything, it uses Telegram media which receives messages and
sends commands to Esp32 Cam and then sends signals to Arduino Nano for
mechanical processing.
The test result of registered faces, face recognition, and the internet of
everything using telegram to get 100% accuracy. In facial expression recognition,
it was found that flat face recognition was faster, namely 2.68 seconds. For facial
recognition distance testing, it was found that a distance of 50 cm was recognized
faster with a time delay of 3.24 seconds