Abstract :
Air is an important factor in life. Poor air quality can support the life of all
creatures from humans, animals to plants. Air pollution is defined as a decrease in
air quality so that the air experiences a decrease in quality in its use and can finally
be used again as appropriate. To determine air quality, a tool is needed as an air
quality monitor.
The IoT prototype in designing or measuring air pollution using MQ 7 and
MQ 135 works by being controlled by an ATmega 328 microcontroller IC with a
control system made using C language. The programming language is made using
Arduino IDE software. The hardware on the air quality monitoring prototype
consists of a series of input and output circuits, namely, the MQ 7 sensor to detect
CO gas and the MQ 135 sensor to detect CO2 gas. The display uses a 20x4 LCD
and LEDs, and uses Blynk to display on a smartphone the entire circuit is connected
to the ATmega 328 microcontroller on the Arduino Uno as a processor.
Based on the tests carried out, it shows that the accuracy level on the MQ 7
sensor is 88.62% while for the MQ 135 sensor it is 84.2%, this shows that this air
quality monitoring tool is categorized as feasible as an air quality monitoring