Abstract :
The Executive Council of Student (BEM) is one of the student
organizations at the university level. BEM is led by the President and Vice
President with a term of office of 1 year. This study aims to design an e-voting
system in the election of the President and Vice President of BEM using the
Electronic Identity Card (e-KTP). This system is expected to be able to overcome
several problems in the conventional election of the President and Vice President
of BEM such as the use of paper as ballots which of course can increase
operational costs and is also a form of paper waste, the vote counting process is
long and prone to fraud.
The e-voting system for the election of the President and Vice President of
the BEM using the e-KTP consists of two systems, namely the hardware system
and the software system. The hardware system is used as an e-KTP UID reader,
built using Arduino IDE, used as a programming place for reading e-KTP UID by
RFID MFRC522 and sending it to the database with NodeMCU ESP8266. While
the software system is built using the PHP programming language for site
creation. The site built consists of an admin page that is used by admins to
interact with voter data, candidates, and votes and a voting page that voters use
to vote for their chosen candidate.
Testing of the e-KTP UID reader showed that of the 10 e-KTPs that were
tested, all of the e-KTPs can be read by the RFID MFRC522 device. With a
maximum reading distance on a box with a thickness of 3 mm is 0 cm. The
average time required by NodeMCU ESP8266 for sending e-KTP UID data is
0.404 seconds. The e-voting system that was built also successfully carried out the
election process. Of the 10 e-KTPs representing 10 voters, all voters can carry
out the election process and the data can be stored in the database and can be
displayed on the vote recapitulation page.