Abstract :
Microcontroller is a chip that functions as an electronic circuit
controller that can store certain programs that have been integrated into it. At
present there are many microcontrollers on the market, one example is the
Arduino nano CH340. Arduino nano CH340 is an open source single-board micro
controller derived from the wiring platform designed to facilitate the use of
electronics in various fields.
Microcontroller-based automatic faucet automation uses the HC-SR04
ultrasonic sensor as input or as a motion detector so that it activates or provides
input to the Arduino Nano to then provide input to a 1 channel relay to then
provide input to the solenoid valve to open the valve to drain water. Here the
author tests several sensors, namely PIR sensors and Infrared sensors and
ultrasonic sensors to find which sensor is the best for its work. The author also
conducted several trials to prove the effectiveness of the three sensors by testing
the sensors at a certain distance to find out the limitations of the three sensors.
From the trial results of the three sensors, the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor works
the best among the three sensors.
The results of the design of a microcontroller-based touchless automatic
faucet produce an automatic faucet that can be used as a touchless ablution
faucet which makes it easier to use the faucet. From the results of manual and
automatic faucet testing, if using the design that has been used, the water needed
for ablution is less when compared to using a manual faucet. This automation
design is intended to be applied to the Baiturrahman Dukuh Kemit mosque,
Kwaren Village, Ngawen District, Klaten Regency.