Abstract :
Simulator in the world of aviation are very helpful in learning to
demonstrate a certain situation in order to help in learning something. The
simulator can provide a clearer picture than the theory, because the simulator can
demonstrate a situation as closely as possible. The airplane landing simulator is
focused on understanding the landing phase, the manufacture of the Boeing 737300
aircraft is made as close as possible to the original using aircraft blueprint as a
reference for modeling the aircraft and moving the aircraft in this simulator using
a joystick. Making the simulator using 3Ds Max software for modeling the aircraft,
then Unity software for making animations and simulations. In this simulator there
is a cockpit display that shows the instrument that serves to provide information on
the state of the aircraft. The making of this simulator is expected to help in
understanding the aircraft landing phase. In testing the operating system, this
simulator can run on devices with the Windows 10 operating system with Intel Core
i3, i5 and i7 processors. However, this simulator still needs additional information
so that it can be used as a learning medium to understand the plane's landing phase
in accordance with real conditions.