Abstract :
Tourism has benefits as entertainment that can be enjoyed by tourists as
well as a source of income for tourism managers and the surrounding community.
Baran Village, Salam, Patuk, Gunungkidul is one of the villages that is used as a
pioneering tourism village that has natural attractions, namely River & Caves,
Gayam Baran Rice Fields, and Kedung Anyep Waterfall. The existence of
information on tourist destinations in Kampung Baran is very helpful for managers
in introducing tourism objects, especially in the current pandemic conditions where
direct interaction with the community is still limited. The Markerless Augmented
Reality (AR) application helps to introduce the Baran Tourism Village which can
provide tourist information by combining the virtual world with the real world. This
application is made using several software, namely Unity, Blender 3D to create 3D
visual communication media, Adobe Illustrator to create 2D visual communication
media and EasyAR SDK for AR implementation. Based on the results of the
functionality test from the scenario that has been determined the application can
run well with some constraints and the device test shows that the application can
run well on Android versions 7.0?11.0 as well as for the user test with a
questionnaire, the average percentage value is 81.613% and includes in the ?Very
Good? category. This application can be run on at least an Android smartphone
with a minimum version 5.1 'Lollipop'.