Akbar Satria Hutama, Muhclis
T Technology (General)
2024-03-27 06:00:19
Abstract :
In the medical field, the ideal body weight is an index of the body in good
health in terms of health. therefore, to find out a person's weight is ideal or not, the
Body Mass Index (BMI) formula was created. Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple
tool or method to monitor ideal body weight status. The author conducted research
on the design for measuring height and weight with Body Mass Index (BMI)
information which is expected to make it easier for users to find out the ideal weight
without having to calculate it manually. The purpose of this study is to determine
the percentage error of weight comparison between the load cell sensor and
conventional scales, to determine the percentage error in the comparison of the
height of the VL53L0X sensor to a conventional meter, and to determine the
accuracy and error value of BMI on the measuring instrument for Height and
Weight With BMI Information (Body Mass Index) Using Sensor VL53L0X and load
The method used by the author to obtain the research objectives is a data
collection method that is supported by a study of literature. Broadly speaking, the
steps in this research method include designing electrical, mechanical, and
application systems. In this study, testing was conducted on 10 people. Each person
was measured using a load cell sensor and VL53L0X to obtain their weight and
height data, which were then processed and compared with conventional
The results of the study show that the percentage error of weight
comparison between load cell sensors and conventional scales is between 0% -
0.615%. The percentage of error in comparison of the height of the VL53L0X sensor
with conventional meters is between 0% ? 1.974%. The average value of accuracy
or accuracy of the tool BMI is 99.050% while the average for the tool BMI error
value is 0.95%. The level of accuracy in BMI units in the comparison between the
theoretical BMI value and the tool BMI is in the range of 0 ? 0.68