Abstract :
The quality of public services needs to be improved using existing
technology for the development of the Smart City concept. A service is said to be
good if the perception of the service is in accordance with the expectations of its
users. user goals can be judged from the response given after the user uses a
service. In order to support Jogja Smart City, the quality of news information
dissemination services has been improved at Regional Organizations (OPD) in
Yogyakarta. Manual services are converted into digital form to make it easier for
service users. The self-report method is used to determine the extent to which
service quality improvements have been made. The success of improving
information dissemination services as measured by user satisfaction through a
study. The method used is descriptive statistical analysis with a quantitative
approach using SPSS 26. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire with
100 respondents. The results showed that the improvement of the quality of
information dissemination services at OPD was successfully carried out. Users are
satisfied with the Jogja News application service. This is evidenced by the results
of the correlation (real), quite strong, and significant. This relationship produces a
positive impact as evidenced by the results of the regression test with a significance
of 0.000.