Alfalaq Wibisono, Muhammad
Q Science (General)
2024-03-27 06:00:39
Abstract :
Elementary School 1 Gergunung Klaten Utara plans to build a building that
is useful for accommodating students that is comfortable to use and can be widely
known by the community, especially in the Klaten district, for building construction
it is necessary to design the Elementary School 1 Gergunung State Elementary
School in the form of 3-dimensional visualization of the building plan the. The
building plan consists of classrooms, teacher's room, principal's room, computer
room, laboratory room, UKS room (Student Health Unit), hall, library, terrace, and
central courtyard. In the visualization application for Gergunung State Elementary
School 1 using characters with a first-person perspective as a user media to see this
3-dimensional building structure, users can also walk around the building area
using Virtual Reality glasses and also a remote controller connected to a
smartphone so that users can see the details and details of each room of the State
Elementary School 1 Gergunung. In making this 3-dimensional visualization, the
object to be used is created using the Blender 3D application and the preparation
of the visualization is done using the Unity application. The final result of this 3-
dimensional visualization application is an Android application that can help the
Gergunung State Elementary School 1 to see the design and visualization of the
Gergunung 1 Elementary School building in the future. The results of testing the
functionality of the application, all functions run well and in user testing from 10
respondents calculated using a Likert scale, this application gets a percentage of
87% and 87,5%. which is included in the ""Very Good"" category, and the
application can run well on Smartphone devices with a minimum of Android 6 and
Android 10 max.