Abstract :
"Yogyakarta is a city that is rich in art. There are many types of arts that
are still preserved today in the city of Yogyakarta, for example dance, theater,
music and other arts. Dance is one of the arts with the highest number and every
year it increases in the city of Yogyakarta. This increase in the number of dance
studios causes difficulties for the public to obtain information on dance studios
registered in the city of Yogyakarta and there are also difficulties in selecting
dance studios that are in accordance with the wishes of the community. Therefore,
an artificial intelligence-based application was created that was able to provide
recommendations for the best dance studios according to the community's
criteria, by implementing the Multy-Objective Optimization On The Basis Of
Ratio Analyst (MOORA) method. In implementing the MOORA method, 6 criteria
are used, namely distance, cost, number of performances, achievements, studio
facilities, and studio ratings. The test results show that the results of the
implementation of the MOORA method in the decision support system of dance
studios in the city of Yogyakarta are very effective to use with a total success of
86% from community assessments as application users."