Abstract :
Adisutjipto Aerospace Technology Institute, requires each student to choose a field
of concentration to apply for practical work and a final project as a graduation
requirement. However, there are often cases where some students are still not sure
about the area of concentration to be taken. The problem found is how the system
provides recommendations for areas of concentration to students and the level of
accuracy of the final results of the system with the choice of concentration fields
taken by students. To assist in providing recommendations, a web Decision Support
System software in the form of a chatbot. The method used is Simple Additive
Weighting (SAW). Alternatives available are the areas of concentration in
Information Systems, Networks and Animation. There are 3 criteria used, namely:
Course Value, Student Interest and Student Intensity in seeking information about
the concentration field. The final result is an alternative ranking of the
concentration fields and sorted from the largest to the smallest value. In testing the
comparison of the final results of the system with the choice of concentration fields
taken by students, there are 7 data differences from a total of 32 data, so the level
of accuracy obtained is 78%. Research can be developed, the final result data is
used as a basis for conducting research on the topic of the final project or the
selection of courses from the available concentration fields.