Abstract :
Practical Work is a form of providing professional skills education that combines
systematically and synchronously with educational programs and mastery of skills
acquired through direct learning activities in the world of work.The Simple Multi
Attribute Rating Technique (SMART) is a comprehensive multi-criteria decision-
making method that takes into account both qualitative and quantitative aspects. From
the description above, the results of the application of a decision support system to help
recommend practical workplaces (KP) for ITDA students will produce outputs in the
form of probability results, percentage results, and ranking results. In collecting data
taken in the last 3 years, 80 company data and 186 data on the number of students were
obtained which will be processed to be used as alternatives and determining criteria
in the calculation for recommending practical work places (KP). In the manual
comparison test with the system, the calculation results are not much different from the
calculation results in the system, the highest to the lowest assessment is the highest
gain of 90.7% by Squadron 043 Adisutjipto Airport Yogyakarta and the lowest gain of
14% by Giwangan Market.