Abstract :
Adisutjipto Institute Of Aerospace Technology (ITDA) is one of the private
universities in Yogyakarta which is engaged in technology and aerospace. ITDA
Yogyakarta annually conducts a tracer study, this is very important to do so that
the institution can find out alumni data and can improve the quality of education
because it is an important part in the assessment of accreditation in an institution.
At ITDA Yogyakarta, current data analysis is still in the form of numbers and
when data is needed for data retrieval, it is still in tabular form. With data
visualization, it is able to assist alumni officers in improving decision making in
order to find out whether alumni experience a decline and increase every year. In
this study, the method used was descriptive analysis. The results of the 2015-2019
Tracer Study statistical analysis showed that the alumni of the Informatics and
Electrical Engineering study program mostly worked in Yogyakarta, while the
alumni of the Industrial Engineering Study Program mostly worked in Central