Abstract :
Indonesia is actually rich in renewable energy. One of them is water
energy as a micro hydro power plant. The Archimedes screw turbine is a turbine
that can operate at low head and the debit is not relatively large. The purpose of
this study was to investigate the effects of variations on the discharge on turbine
performance including the rotational speed, power and efficiency.
Testing the performance of the screw turbine was carried out
experimentally with using the difference in debit variations on a 2-blade
Archimedes screw turbine with a tilt angle of 35°. At the time of testing the
turbine, the debit variations used were 0.02 m³/s, 0.013 m³/s, and 0.0 1m³/s.
The tests carried out on a 2-blade screw turbine with 1.7 m turbine shaft
length, 0.069 m turbine inside radius, 0.128 m turbine outside radius, 0.260 m
thread span length, 59.5° inner blade angle, 72.5° outer blade angle and 6.5 total
distance generated the greatest power at a debit variation of 0.02 m³/s which was
224 watts. Meanwhile, the maximum efficiency of the turbine was 88% at a debit
variation of 0.013 m³/s.