Abstract :
Air transportation experiences rapid development in line with the advanced
development of technology and aerospace. WIG (wing in ground) craft is a wing installation
construction that is close to the ground. This will cause a ground effect phenomenon which
moisturizes the additional pressure under the airfoil.
The purpose of this study was to investigate airfoils on WIG craft on the aerodynamic
characteristics by carrying out a comparative study on the airfoils of NACA 4412 and NACA
24112 to determine the different aerodynamic characteristics on the phenomenon of ground
effect and the influence of the ground effect on air pressure and speed. The effects on the
coefficient of lifting force (CL) and the coefficient of inhibition force (CD) with angles of attack
(AoA) 0° and 3 and a certain variation in height were investigated using NACA 4412 and
NACA 24112 airfoils. The parameters used were height of 0.1c; 0.3c; 0.5c; 0.7c; 1.0c;
Unbound, and angle of attack (AoA) airfoils 0° and 3.
From the test results°, it was found that the values of the coefficient of lifting force (CL)
and the value of the coefficient of inhibition force (CD) in NACA 24112 tended to be better than
NACA 4412 assuming the same height and angle of attack variation. At the angle of attack
(AoA) airfoil 0° NACA 24112 had a CL value of 73% and a CD value of 20% better compared
to NACA 4412 airfoils. At an angle of attack (AoA) airfoil 3° had a CL value of 38% and CD
value of 9% better compared to NACA 4412 airfoils. The NACA 24112 had better aerodynamic
characteristics for WIG. This research is expected to be useful for consideration in the design
of the WIG aircraft.