Abstract :
KT-1B aircraft with engine Pratt & Whitney 6A 62 the oil tank is located on airframe which is placed in a series with theengine at the rear. The system has special inverted flight oil system so that theaircraft lubrication keeps working normally when the aircraft is in an inverted position. In its operation during the period from 2017 until 2020, 19 failures were found on the oil system. The analysis employed fault tree analysis method. It was used for indentifying risks that contribute to the occurrence of the failure. This method takes a top down approach, starting with the assumption of failure or loss from the top event, then detailing the causes of a top event to a root cause, then evaluating it with minimal cut set MCS. The results of the analysis with the top event failure of the oil system obtained 10 intermediate events using OR logic gates and 10 basic events and the component that most frequently caused the oil system failure was Oil Pressure Tranducer.