Abstract :
Nowadays, the use of polymer composites with natural fibers is widely
developed because of the price is relatively cheap and environmentally friendly.
The problem that is often encountered in the manufacture of composites is the
final stage, also know as finishing, where the mold sometimes fails and is
defective. The purpose of this study was to determine the bending strength and
fracture morphology of polypropylene composites with palm fiber reinforcement.
The reinforcing material used in the manufacture of composites is palm
fiber and the matrix is polypropylene plastic. The method used is compression
molding and heated in the oven at 250ºC for 60 minutes. The variations used in
this study were volume fractions of 0%, 25%, 35% and 45%.
From the test results of the palm fiber composite specimens, the highest
bending strength at 25% volume fraction was 93.13 MPa and the lowest bending
strength at 45% volume fraction was 80.6 MPa. Based on the results of the SEM
test, it can be seen that there are voids and fractures in the composite. Therefore,
it can be concluded that the increasing number of palm fiber fibers decreases the
bending strength due to the imbalance between the mixing of palm fiber fibers and
the matrix.