T Technology (General)
2024-04-25 03:52:04
Abstract :
Anti-icing system is a system that aims to avoid ice formation when the
aircraft is in the air. The formation of ice in the aircraft is very important because
an aircraft flight will pass through the atmosphere which at a certain altitude will
experience the formation of ice, this needs to be avoided so as not to cause problems
in order to achieve comfort in flight. The formation of ice will cause harm to the
aircraft along with the times many aircraft now use ice protection system that is
anti icing system. Problems on the anti-icing system occurred when the author
performed periodic C-check at the Hangar PT Merpati Maintenance Facility
(MMF) on aircraft Boeing 737-500 which problem was found that the indicator on
the P5 panel when switch ON Wing anti icing, L VALVE OPEN and R VALVE
OPEN slow lights dim and only bright. From this problem the author is interested
in discussing and identifying the cause of the problem in the anti-ice wing.
In this study, direct observation methods were used to observe and analyze
the handling maintenance of Boeing 737-500 Sriwijaya Air in addition to this study
also used fault tree analysis methods to obtain the cause of failure from the Boeing
737-500 wing anti ice system and TAI shutoff valve.
The result of research on the problem of Boeing 737-500 wing anti-ice system
problem is a problem with the TAI shutoff valve. The problem is solved by
troubleshooting which refers to AMM 30-11-11. For removal and installation of
TAI shutoff valve based on AMM 30-11-11 page 403. Using the fault tree analysis
method, with wing anti icing system problems obtained basic event, namely:
Control Pressure Port Problem, Motor Fault, Spring Broken, Dirty Pin Connector,
Loosen Connector, EICAM Module Trouble, No Source Electricity, Negative
Electricity Source, Wiring Problem.