Abstract :
The fuel system is the most important fuel system on an airplane when flying
to deliver fuel to the combustion chamber and also to cool the oil temperature
while at altitude. The problem that occurs on the Boeing 737-300 TRI-MG
aircraft at Hangar hall e PT Mulya Sejahtera Technology Bandung is a problem
with the fuel system, indicated by the appearance of a slow response to the high
pressure compressor (N2) when rotating during take off at the airport. These
problems can affect the flight performance of the aircraft.
In this study, the direct observation method was used to observe and analyze
the handling of the Boeing 737-300 TRI-MG aircraft at Hangar hall e PT Mulya
Sejahtera Technology Bandung. In addition, this study also uses the fault tree
analysis method to obtain the root cause of the failure of the Boeing 737-300 TRI-
MG fuel system
The results of the research on the problems of the Boeing 737-300 TRI-MG
Fuel system are problems with the fuel filter, fuel pump, and fuel distribution
system. These problems were solved by performing troubleshooting referring to
AMM Boeing 777-300, AMM Boeing 737-300 task 30-00-41 for trouble shooting,
AMM Boeing 737-300 task 73-11-01 for removal and installation of fuel pump
and AMM Boeing. 737-300 task 73-11-02 for removal and installation of fuel
filters. By using the fault tree analysis method.