Abstract :
When the B737-800NG aircraft fails to supply air while flying, the oxygen system
will provide oxygen supply from the generator to the cabin and the cockpit is supplied
from the oxygen cylinder. When experiencing a decrease in air pressure, the aircraft
will lower the flight altitude. When the fast plane supplies oxygen to the passengers
through the PSU and is above the oxygen, it uses an oxygen mask in each PSU that is
above the passenger. Likewise for the crew, there is no PSU with oxygen cylinders,
regulators and oxygen masks, when the plane lacks oxygen, the pilot uses oxygen from
the plane's cylinders. The oxygen supply system both in the cabin and cockpit is very
important, especially for the crew.
This study aims to analyze the causes of failure in the oxygen system B737-800
NG trouble low pressure and repair it in the GMF AeroAsia hangar. This study also
uses the identification of the cause of failure to find out what can cause failure in
the oxygen system with the fault tree analysis method.
The inspection results found a leak in the disconnect fitting which is corroded
and causes a decrease in pressure in the cylinder. Followed by analyzing the causes of
failure that may arise using FTA, obtained 23 basic events that can cause failure in the
Top Event (TE).