Abstract :
Air Traffic Controller or ATC officers often experience excessive job performance.This
can be seen with aspects of ATC?s wok such as high task demands. The level of traffic density at
Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang always increases from year to year. However, due to the covid
pandemic at 2019, the density level at Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang has decreased drastically
by approximately ±49% or from the number of flight of 48.182 year to 24.641 year.
Based on the result of the study, if calculated according to the rules of KP 166 of 2020,
the number of ATC radar personel needed is 3 people and ATC director is 16 people. Until, if the
number of ATC empleyees at Ahmad Yani Airport has met the required standards, it can reduce
or reduce work stress levels which result in an increase in the performance of ATC personel.
After conducting research and distributing questionnaires to ATC employees at Ahmad
Yani Airport Semarang regarding performance evaluation, the results obtained 93,4% of ATC
personal answered Yes/Agree which means that air traffic density greatly affects the performance
of ATC personel at Ahmad Yani Airport Semarang.