Siwi Renata Nugrahaning Putri, Ayu
T Technology (General)
2024-04-26 06:40:13
Abstract :
Air transportation is a very efficient transportation to reach a place in a
short time. Based on accident data from the KNKT, many plane accidents
occur in the Papua Island area because the runway conditions are not in
accordance with existing regulations. In a plane crash, it doesn't just happen
because of one main factor, but there are several supporting factors that
influence it.
In general, an airplane accident that occurs on the runway can occur by
several factors. According to NTSC data, there are 4 main factors that can
cause accidents, namely, human factors, engineering, management,
environment and weather. The research conducted by the author is an analysis
of the factors that cause plane crashes on the runway case studies in 2014-
2019 using the fishbone method.
From the results of research that has been carried out, it is found that the
causes of airplane accidents on the runway are the environment and
weather/human factors (30%), human factors (27%), engineering (13%),
engineering/human factors (10%), environmental and weather/engineering
(10%), environment and weather (7%), and management (3%).