Abstract :
Advances in science and technology in the industrial world have resulted in
increased material requirements for a product. Metallic material is widely used in
an industri but there are defects in metal materials namely the nature of heavy
metal materials and do not resist corrosion. From these considerations, this
research was conducted in order to obtain a tensile sheet analysis of pineapple
leaf fiber composites with the method of hand lay up and with a polyester matrix.
From the results of tests on composite samples of pineapple leaf fibers, an
analysis of the tensile strength was carried out from the volume fraction ratio of
4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. Based on tensile test results on pineapple leaf fiber
composites, the lowest strength was in the 4% fiber volume fraction, 14 MPa, and
the highest tensile strength in the volume fraction at 10%, ie 20.21 MPa. Indeed,
the binding of the matrix to pineapple leaf fibers at a volume fraction of 10% is
higher than the volume fraction of 4%.