Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of water content on
sand mold on the results of pipe clamp castings, casting defects by dye penetrant
method, and factors that affect cast yield. The study was conducted at CV.
Sudirman Batur Ceper Klaten, Central Java. Moisture content testing was
conducted at the Manufacturing Polytechnic Laboratory, Ceper, Klaten. The
research method used in this study was the dye penetration test. The independent
variable in this study was the variation of water content of 3%, 4,5% and 6% in
printed sand.
The results of this study were mixture of 3% water had few defects and the
surface of the castings did not have many pores. There is not much casting sand
attached to the castings. Moisture content of 4,5% and 6% had many visible
defects from the color of the print with many red spots and rough surface. Water
content and sand content must be balanced to get perfect results.