Abstract :
Brochures are official company publications in the form of prints, which
contain information about a product, service, or program aimed at a target
market or a specific target audience. PMB brochures distributed by STTA to
various high schools are very numerous and random throughout Indonesia. A
method is needed so that the distribution of PMB brochures can be efficient,
effective, and on target by using the k-means clustering method. K-means is a
repetitive clustering algorithm. The k-means algorithm assigns cluster (K) values
randomly, while the value becomes the center of the cluster or commonly called
the centroid. Then calculate the distance of each existing data on each centroid
using the Euclidian formula to find the closest distance from each data with the
centroid. Classify each data based on its proximity to the centroid. If the centroid
value does not change, the iteration process is complete. The results of this study
are an application that can show the relationship between two variables, namely
brochures spread out and also found two types of clusters, namely cluster one
with a very good distribution of brochures and cluster two with a distribution of
brochures is not good.