Abstract :
This study aims to: (1) develop learning media about prevention of drug
abuse, (2) to determine the feasibility of interactive learning media to prevent
drug abuse.
The development model used in this study through the development
model of Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) through six stages.
Sources of data collected in the form of quantitative data as the main data and
qualitative data in the form of suggestions from respondents as additional data.
Data collection techniques used the questionnaire method with the subjects of X
Multimedia class students. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using
qualitative descriptive statistics.
The results of the research that have been carried out are that: (1) The
application of media about prevention of drug abuse through the concept stage,
design, material collection, manufacture, testing and distribution, (2) the
feasibility of interactive learning media to prevent drug abuse being built Alpha
Testing and Beta Testing. Based on the respondent's trial and Guttman's scale
calculation, this learning media was included in the good category with an
average aspect suitability score of 80% so that the learning media was worthy of
being used as material for counseling about drugs especially aimed at teenagers