Abstract :
The decision support system is a computerized system that is useful for helping a
person make a decision. The implementation of this decision support system is one
of them is to determine the priority of non routine expenses supported from
several other existing non routine needs. The Multi-Attributive Border
Approximation Area Comparison (MABAC) method is one of the decision support
methods that presents the type of multi-alternative decision. This method is used
to help decision makers choose between several alternatives. The application of
the MABAC method in this final project is used to determine the priority of non
routine expenditure requirements that will be applied to a web-based application.
From the test results it was concluded that this program can be used easily by
admin (Takmir Mosque) in helping to give priority decisions on non-routine needs
that must be prioritized so that it is more efficient to budget funds for non-routine
expenditure. The results of this study indicate that non-routine needs that must be
prioritized from several alternatives that exist are Social Funds with the result of
13.878,00, Ambulance Car Donations with the result of 12.718,00, Maintenance
of Sound with the result of 11.655,75, Maintenance of AC with the result of