Abstract :
Instrument is one of the tools that serves as a data viewer or direction from the
aircraft, to get to the ground station or airport when during a flight. This aircraft
instrument, can operate during day and night conditions, so this can facilitate the
performance of pilots in flying their aircraft when on flight in conditions of lack of
direction of flight views or bad weather. Instrument on the aircraft, generally
divided into 4 parts consisting of Flight Instrument, Engine Instrument, Navigation
Instrument, and Auxiliary Instrument.
On the Navigation Instrument there is an instrument called the ADF Instrument.
ADF Instrument functions as a radio navigation device for ships or aircraft that
works automatically and to display the direction (bearings) of the aircraft to the
destination radio station.
Basically all the tools that are in this plane, it will definitely experience a
decrease in function. Because a lot of usage and increasing age of the tool. So the
maintenance of these tools very needed and one tool to treat damage from the ADF
Instrument is the ADF BITE System. The ADF BITE System is one of the ADF
Instrument maintenance systems that has joined the ADF Instrument components,
so that it can facilitate the troubleshoot process on the ADF Instrument very quickly.
After the process is resolving the ADF Instrument problem , the components of
the ADF Instrument can be said serviceable, so that it can be reused with a normal
operation for navigation system.