Abstract :
Low pressure turbine rotor stator is a submodule of the major low pressure
turbine module. Located at the rear of the engine that is behind the high pressure
turine and in front of the low pressure turbine rear frame. The purpose of the LPT
rotor stator is to send pressurized gas coming from the HPT into mechanical power
to drive the fan and booster module.
Low pressure turbine rotor stator found damage that is damage to the blade.
Damage in the LPT blade can cause a vibration to the LPT rotor stator module.
Vibration can be known from the Engine Indication Display (EID) on the cockpit.
The cause is due to the Domestic Object Damagae (DOD) from the broken HPT
rotor, HPT nozzle due to burn and damage from the HPT shroud which then hit the
LPT blade, causing the LPT blade to suffer dent damage. To overcome this, repair
is done by blending. Blending is a method to repair LPT blade damage by using
pencil grinding tools. Blending is intended to eliminate stress concentrations at
certain points due to dent.
After blending, the results show that the leading edge of the dent has undergone
a process of repair, so that the side that originally contained a curve that can
trigger cracks has been made hollow and is still within the limits of limitation. The
blade that has been repaired is then mapped and static balanced to make the LPT
rotor stator return to balance. After a static balance is performed, it can be stated
that the LPT rotor stator is serviceable.