Abstract :
A multiplier is one of the most important parts of a device that can affect
device performance. So, high speed and efficient multiplier systems are important
factors for designers of microprocessor devices, digital microcontrollers and
others. As is known, multiplication operations are not difficult to do in decimal
numbers. But, to do operations in binary numbers (which are used in digital
systems) is a very complex operation. Significant acceleration in time calculation
can be achieved by setting intensively the calculation process task using hardware
and by utilizing parallel processes in the algorithm. Field Programmable Gate
Arrays (FPGAs) have emerged as the preferred platform for efficient hardware
implementation. FPGA allows a high level of parallelism so that it can increase the
embedded resources available on the FPGA. FPGA benefits from hardware speed
and software flexibility.
This thesis provides an analysis of multiplier algorithms the results of LPF
digital filter implementation output using the hamming window method with IC chip
design in xillinx 10.1 software. This method is used to design IC multiplier chips to
support the LPF digital filter, so that coefficients can be determined which will later
be used in the multiplier LPF digital filter implementation algorithm.
Based on this study, the results of the observation show that the LPF FIR
digital 8 bit multiplier algorithm using the hamming window method can be
implemented on the FPGA and the output filter is in accordance with the
specifications of the design results. But there is an error between the results of the
theory and the simulation and implementation of the tool. The biggest error is
52.32% at the 4th coefficient (0.01748) and the smallest error is 0.72% at the 1st
coefficient (0.31478).