Abstract :
Communication using Handy Talky (HT) has a limited range because of the limited power that can be provided by the HT. HT has an average power range of 3-5 watts with a range of around 1-2 Km.The quality of HT also determines the range of its range HT which is of good quality is quite expensive. Factories or industrial estates that are large enough in their work area require HT as a means of communication for their employees who are in the field.The quality of HT also determines the range of its range HT which is of good quality is quite expensive. Factories or industrial estates that are large enough in their work area require HT as a means of communication for their employees who are in the field.Almost all people / employees have a smart mobile phone (smartphone), so there is an idea to connect HT with smartphones using the internet network, so employees in the field can be connected anytime, anywhere and companies do not need to increase the number of HT. HT is only needed as a supervisor and master control only. The method used is to design an interface, which is a device used to connect HT with computers, laptops, smartphones through the free Zello Radio Gateway application software that is connected to the internet, so that HT will be able to connect to computer devices, laptops, smartphones whenever and wherever The results of the activities that will be carried out are designing and making the HT interface with the Zello radio Gateway software, preparing the HT to be used as a "master" so that it can receive signals from other HTs and give signals to computers, laptops, smartphones, testing the interface to be made. Alinco HT Alinco type DJ196 / DJ496 as a master can produce the distance emitting and receiving generated or issued by Carried Out Relay output to HT and smartphones or PCs that have the Zello application installed. and also measures each output or input voltage on IC legs 11,12,13,14 or PINs D1, D2, D3, D4 when transmitting, receiving and also on standby, with logic values 1 for high and logic 0 for low.