Abstract :
Indonesia is a region that has many types of plants, one of which is bamboo.
Bamboo is a lignocellulosic material that can be used as a substitute for wood on
several purposes. In the bamboo handicraft industry, industry players must know the
quality of bamboo which can be seen from the humidity level. So far, the measurement
of bamboo humidity still uses the sense of touch. This final project designs information
and communication technology innovation tools in industry to measure bamboo
This bamboo moisture meter uses Arduino Nano as the main controller which is
programmed to determine the humidity of the bamboo through the probe and LM393
which is plugged into the meat of bamboo and the bamboo moisture results obtained
will be sent to the LCD to display the moisture value.
The results of tests that have been done can be concluded that the DHT11
measuring instrument can determine the level of bamboo moisture quality. The
accuracy of the bamboo moisture detection system based on the test results seen from
the average value of the difference (error) of the two measuring devices has a value of
2.518% for bamboo humidity with dry conditions, the average value of the difference
(error) of the two measuring devices has a value of 3.004% for bamboo humidity with
moderate conditions, the average value of the difference (error) of the two measuring
devices has a value of 2.276% for bamboo humidity with wet conditions.