Abstract :
Frans Seda Airport - Maumere is a pioneer/civil airport in Sikka Regency - NTT. It has abundant tourism potential and natural resources. This airport itself is still developing when compared to El Tari Airport - Kupang. The existence of facilities at the airport is very important for flight safety. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve Air Traffic Control at Frans Seda Airport - Maumere to be at the same level as El Tari Airport - Kupang. The research method used is a qualitative method, where Frans Seda Airport - Maumere is the object of research. The data obtained include primary data (data obtained directly during the research) and secondary data (data obtained from the internet media, and books related to the research object). From the results of analyzing the data above, it is known that the ATC equipment that is not yet available at Frans Seda Airport - Maumere still needs to be added, while equipment that is damaged is recommended to be replaced with a new one. For ATC Human Resources itself, there needs to be training and recruitment of new personnel so that the services provided are better and more appropriate than before.