T Technology (General)
2024-07-16 02:02:24
Abstract :
One of the airports in Indonesia which is managed by PT. Angkasa Pura I is the
Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang. One of the airside facilities at an
airport is a runway which is a means for takeoff and landing aircraft. From
various problems, researchers are interested in analyzing the capacity of the air
side at Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang to the movement of existing
aircraft. Thus the air side can be more effective and optimal, so that aircraft
movements for takeoff and landing and parking can be optimized.
Of the various problems, researchers are interested in analyzing the capacity of
the air side at General Ahmad Yani International Airport Semarang to the
movement of existing aircraft. Thus the air side can be more effective and optimal,
so that aircraft movement for takeoff and landing and parking can be optimized. it
can be seen that the highest number of aircraft is at 02.00 - 02.59 UTC, which
amounts to 960 aircraft or 10,435 operations per hour. With a note that the time
span of 197.884 seconds, the landing time can also be used for takeoff, meaning
that the hourly runway capacity at this value can be used for 2 movements,
namely takeoff and landing.
The calculation of the taxiway capacity is carried out by looking at the number of
aircraft movements during peak hours in 2013, and also the runway capacity that
can accommodate as many as 15 aircraft in the previous sub-chapter. the ultimate
capacity of the apron area with a capacity of 8 parking stands which states the
number of aircraft served per unit of time is 10 units per hour.