Abstract :
This research aims to calculate the reliability, failure rate, and mean time to failure of a component failure. The object of this research is the Automatic Fuel Control Unit on the Bell 412 helicopter which carries out maintenance at Bengpuspenerbad. Failure data were obtained based on Historical Service Records from 2002-2020. The method used in this research is the Weibull distribution method. The Weibull distribution is a method used to determine the performance of a component and how reliable and dependable they are. The main step in this research is the collection of data on the failure of the Automatic Fuel Control Unit in Bengpuspenerbad, then processing the data. From this research, the calculation results of the reliability of the Automatic Fuel Control Unit components are obtained that have the increased failure rate, resulting in a decrease in the level of reliability along with increasing operating time. The mean time to failure of these components is obtained when the operating time reaches 1398,738317 hours.