T Technology (General)
2024-07-15 03:08:42
Abstract :
PUNA ( Pesawat Udara Nir Awak ) is a type of plane made for specific
mission which is remotely controlled by radio wave, nowadays the usage of
PUNA is implemented in various sector. PUNA has size, configuration and
variation of character, thus attention in accurately designing, material testing and
strength analysis becomes important also greatly needed when designing PUNA
and comparing the material strength between composite fiber carbon and
fiberglass WR.
PUNA 5774-Trainer is a fixed wing aircraft with a slow flyer (training
glider) character for flight monitoring missions with light material. Starting with
the design process, and the process of comparing composite materials between
fiber carbon and fiberglass WR, until the manufacturing process is carried out by
collecting data from various sources, this data can be obtained by collecting data
from literature studies, modeling and structural analysis, and determining tools
and ingredients.
The type of material used in PUNA skin is a composite material mixed
with epoxy resin and fiber carbon with the vacuum bagging method. From
material testing with the tensile test method, the average value obtained in the
carbon fiberglass composite tensile test is: max load = 34,797.99 N, elastic
modulus = 727,483 MPa, yield point = 1,282.79 Kgf / mm ^ 2, and yield strength
of 74.637 Kgf / mm ^ 2, resulting in a tensile stress value of 556.768 MPa and the
strain value is 0.759. Whereas for the bending test for carbon fiberglass
composites the average value obtained is: max load = 634.03 N, elastic modulus
= 10.020 MPa, yield point = 15.26 Kgf / mm ^ 2 resulting in a stress value of
585.2578546 MP. After this process, the next step is the manufacturing process.