Abstract :
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is aircraft controlled through electronic devices that
have been programmed to be flown over long distances and without crew. UAV is widely used
by several groups such as civilians, military and agriculture. In the world of agriculture itself,
UAV have an important role, such as repelling bird pests on rice fields and spreading fertilizers
in large quantities. Therefore, the writing of this scientific paper discusses the manufacturing
of EAGLE X aircraft and calculates the location of the center of gravity which has a mission,
namely to control bird pests on agricultural land.
In manufacturing process, the EAGLE X aircraft uses laser cutting, and hot wire
methods and the materials used are balsa wood, carbon sticks, monocote paper and polyfoam.
The used of balsa wood includes formers, ribs, leading edges, and trailing edges, and the use
of polyfoam includes skins on the fuselage and tail, monocote paper is used to coat the skins
on the wings and tail, and the use of carbon sticks for wing reinforcement. After the aircraft is
finished manufacturing, it is carried out weighing and measuring the arm to calculate the
weight and balance of the aircraft. The manufacturing process includes the assembly of the
former, wing and tail which has been cut with laser cutting and hot wire, and there are several
additional parts such as engine mounting and wing locking. The result of the calculation is that
the EAGLE X plane has a center of gravity at 18,863 cm from the datum (nose) the aircraft is
nose heavy, while in fact it is 18.5 cm from the datum (nose).