Abstract :
Reliability Instrument Altimeter on Aircraft G 120 TP-A Grob owned by TNI
AU using Rolls Royce Engine M-250 / B17F series operating turboprop. Where is the
Aircraft G 120 TP-A Grob is one of the trainer aircraft operationalized since 2013 by
the Air Force which is used as the basic training aircraft and the Advanced Trainer.
That way, there is a need for research and evaluation of the reliability level of the
aircraft while operating, especially on the Altimeter Instrument most often fail
Method on the reliability analysis of Instrument Altimeter is by using Weibull
distribution method. The first step is to collect damage data, then calculate with aim
to know, failure rate, failure rate and effectiveness of care of system to be analyzed.
From the analysis calculation reliability Instrument Altimeter on plane G 120
TP-A Grob can is known that the average of these components will work until the
failure at age 545 hours 26 minutes and the level of reliability in the Altimeter
Instrument decreased with increasing hours of use, treatment steps on altimeter
damage, by means of calibration instrument altimeter.