Abstract :
The process of riveting on aircraft materials does not always go smoothly. Some damage
often occurs during rivet installation due to several factors such as differences in riveting time.
This results in the frequent occurrence of remove of bad rivets. If frequent damage occurs then
the repair or repair process will take time to repair. From that case it is necessary to analyze the
connection quality of the rivet process. The riveting process is done with the help of the stand
rivet to replace human power so that the force or pressure during the riveting process is the
same bias. Furthermore, the results of riveting in testing tensile and macro photo testing.
This research is focused on analyzing the quality of single joint join rivet joint with
riveting process which varied the perivetan time. The method used is to look at the tensile yield
of the tensile test and the result of the macro test photo of the specimen. The specimens used in
this study were the 2024-T4 aluminum type and for the rivet using the universal rivet 2117 type.
The test result shows that the quality of the most optimum connection is in connection C
that is the intensity of riveting for 5 seconds with the result of tensile test of 2077.6 Mpa. and
seen from the macro structure specimen C is the best between the comparison. For the results of
vibration readings during the riveting process takes place the longer the process of vibration
riveting that occurs the greater.