Abstract :
Some balancing on engines, especially on engine CFM56 ? 3 will make the
difficult work for employee to do that method quick and correctly because
balancing method on engines still done by manually if engines mounting on wing
and engine shop (base) to do this maintenance is too far. Difficulty that has been
found in working area encourage writer to conducting the research about make the
automatic Three Shot Plot balancing based on matlab.
Three Shot Plot Procedure is the manual simple method provided by engine
manufacturing, expected by conducting this method can help the engine reduce the
vibrating problem. In conducting this research, data has been collected on the
different engines for this manual method, to provide a statistical comparison by
value and taking a statistical decision on program calculation. Tested value is the
output from designed program toward the manual method. Statistic test that has
been used is Mann ? Whitney test, this method classfied in non-parametric
statistical test, this statistic test used for the small data and unnormal distributed.
The program also tested the work time comparison on both method. The designed
program then reviewed from working area condition in the real time, how useful
this program to help balancing on this engine.
The result of Mann ? Whitney Statistical test and taking the decision on the
disigned matlab program,the outputs has no difference toward the manual method.
Based on the average of work time,matlab program can save a lot of time than the
manual method. Based on working area factors, matlab program only able to
eliminate that working area factors.