Abstract :
Indonesia is a country with abundant energy resources, one of which is wind
energy source. The potential of wind energy in Indonesia is quite adequate,
because the average wind speed is around 3.5 - 7 m/s (source: LAPAN Mapping
quoted by Kompasiana). One of the wind energy utilization is the use of wind
turbines. Wind turbines are divided into two types: vertical shaft wind turbine or
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) and horizontal axis wind turbine or
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT). For vertical axle wind turbines have
several types, one of which is a vertical shaft wind turbine type Darrieus. This
research is focused to conduct Experimental Test of Mini Vertical Axis Wind
Turbine which has been designed by Buyung Junaidin and Dwi Hartini (2017).
This research was conducted by testing experiments using measuring
instruments such as anemometer, multimeter, tachometer, AC to DC power
rectifier and recorder for data retrieval. This test is carried out at Pantai Baru
which has the minimum wind requirements required by Mini VAWT. Furthermore
the data is processed to determine the results of power generated during the test.
To perform a series of tests need to perform several stages of preparation of tools
and materials and ensure the condition of the test location.
Test results obtained that the Mini VAWT is capable of rotating at an initial
wind velocity of 4.1 m / s with the condition of the slab marked opposite to the
wind direction coming. Mini VAWT is able to survive the highest recorded wind
speeds at the test of 13.7m / s. Mini VAWT is capable of producing the largest
voltage value 11.42 Volts with current 11.42 Ampere then the maximum power
obtained for 130.41 Watt.