Abstract :
Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV) is one of vehicle that can be used to
observe a region. There is news about mark of indonesian territory with foreign
countries were often moved. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the preliminary
design to know how the geometry of PUNA AD-01, to know aerodynamic
characteristic of PUNA AD-01, to know static stability of PUNA AD-01, and to
know range and endurance of PUNA AD-01 for the mission is surveillance.
The writing of this essay is devoted to discussing the initial design of
unmanned aircraft by using literature study methods and interviews from experts.
In the design process, there are three software to used, and that three software is
CATIA to make the 3D model of PUNA AD-01, ANSYS to do aerodynamic
simulation of PUNA AD-01, and XFLR5 to do static stability simulation of PUNA
As for the results obtained from the preliminary design is PUNA AD-01
has a maximum weight 4 kg and the span length is 2,643 m, cruising speed is 19
m/s, the aerodynamic characteristics of PUNA AD-01 make it can fly, PUNA AD?01 have fulfilled the requirements for static stability, and then having endurance
1,885 hours and range 127 km.