Abstract :
Flight Control is a system that functions as a helicopter control center.
Failure that occurs in flight control would certainly result inconvenience of the
pilot in operating the helicopter, even the movement of the helicopter can out of
control causing incident or accident. The continuity of the helicopter
transportation process is affected by the maintenance system that is applied. Each
component involved in the helicopter's activity would decrease in capability so
that it would eventually damage along with the frequency of the helicopter's
operation and the reliability of the component.
Flight controls provide a means of controlling main rotor blades for
horizontal, vertical, and directional flight, and for taxiing during ground
operations. The flight controls consist of two systems the main rotor flight
controls and the tail rotor (directional) flight controls. Flight control movements
originate in the cockpit by movement of the cyclic control stick, collective control
stick, and directional pedals. All movement of the controls is transmitted
mechanically through control rods and bellcranks to the mixer (upper deck
controls). Fault Tree Analysis can be simply described as an analytical technique,
whereby an undesired state of the system is specified (usually a state that is
critical from a safety or reliability standpoint), and the system is then analyzed in
the context of its environment and operation to find all realistic ways in which the
undesired event (top event) can occur. The fault tree itself is a graphic model of
the various parallel and sequential combinations of faults that will result in the
occurrence of the predefined undesired event.
Based on the analysis results of failures that occurred in the Sikorsky S76
C ++ helicopter flight control system at Pelita Air Service Company in the period
of January 2015 to May 2018 with an average use of helicopter?s 2092.05 flight
hours, there were 108 failures which caused unschedule maintenance. Based on
the minimum cut set determination, there were 29 basic events which caused
unschedule maintenance on Sikorsky S76 C ++ helicopter flight control system,
so that a replacement or repair was needed for the components that affected to the
system failure.